OHHHHHH I can not wait for everything to grow and then end up in my stomach! This is a very hard time of year to be... an eater and a cooker of food. There are certainly treats to have and good greens to cook up, but the anticipation of those summer veggies is sometimes a little too much to handle! On top of that, I've been patiently waiting for the 500 austerlorp chickens to show up on the farm, and that chicken house we built has been sitting empty for a month! Well, at long last the little teenage mutant chickens are here! I went into a trance when I was hangin' with them the other day. The sound of 500 little peeping chickens is hypnotic. Rosie the farm dog was beside herself and so were we. It'll be many months until they start laying, but just the fact that they have arrived will tide us over until we start ripping vegetables out of the ground and off the vine.
The tiny peeps of our housemates hatching chicks has been my background music of the evening. I held a chick in my hand that had just broken out of its egg, and I felt like a proud father even though I hadn't done a thing to aid their birth thus far. By morning, there just might be a whole pack of drying little chicks under the heat lamp! It has indeed been a weekend of chickens and warm fuzzy feelings... I feel like a three year old girl.