Out on the farm we've been pulling lots of deliciously sweet carrots out of the ground for well over a month now, and last week we started to harvest them using a mechanized carrot harvester. It's this crazy lookin' contraption that looks more like a hunk of rusty old metal with wheels than a useful farm implement, but it works amazingly well. The carrots don't come out looking quite as nice as when you harvest them by hand, but the volume we're able to harvest in such little time is impressive.
Most of us go to the market or grocery store and pick out a nice lookin' bunch of equally sized carrots with or without tops (leaving the tops on actually makes the carrots go bad faster), but the the carrots the farmers don't show you are nothing short of magical. There are several styles of mystical carrot that form deep in the humus. Some are quite beautiful and some are border line offensive! The first kind I discovered was the "lover carrot(s)" when I pulled up my first crop of carrots in Early July.
The Dancing carrot is on the more graceful side of the spectrum.
Then moving towards the freakish side... the dwarves
The mutants
The parasitic and conjoined Twins
And last but not least, the Carrot ORGY.
I love it! We just harvested some today and found a few "freak" carrots. I planted some heirlooms and one type came up looking like globes more in the shape of radishes. It's crazy! The kids helped me harvest them today and after taking a bite they were like, "These are the best carrots ever!" I'd have to agree! There's nothing like a freshly picked carrot right out of the dirt! Yum!!! So sweet!